Friday, December 4, 2009

A life cut too short


I never knew this young lady, but I felt so compelled to post a blog about her because I browsed through her Youtube channel at & wonder what monster could take a life of such a beautiful girl who seemed like she had a bright future ahead of her. This story is sooo like out of a movie, but unfortunately isn't. It just goesto show how mentally sick & twisted some folks can be in this world. The poor girl was shot to death while she was in some poor soul who was deeply depressed & suicidal. He also had less than flattering thoughts of how women should be treated & how we should treat our men(basically had stone-aged thoughts)

Watch the vid below in better detail...

I am just so saddened by this. Something that could have been prevented..if the parents stayed on top of their son's behavior. In my opinion, I believe that they should have made that boy take that medication, make him move back home if they had to. He was 28 yrs old so he should have known better! If his parents were truly concerend, then they should have moved in with him & make sure he stayed properly medicated...keep him on regularly scheduled visits to see a doctor.
Depression is SERIOUS!!! & should NEVER be taken lightly.
Fam, if you know of someone who is going through depression, don't let the situation slide. Make sure they seek the help that they need. If you, yourself is going through deep emotional problems or depression...please please get help! You'd never know, you may be able to save a life...maybe your own.
Two lives are gone because of some idiot..& yes, I say idiot, because he chose be a coward, pick up a gun & shoot someone to death...then he kills himself!
I believe if he got the help that he needed, he'd be still here on earth possibly as a more saner person & this young girl would be still be alive posting vids of her many talents on Youtube.